Door into my world
Don’t let juice make a fool out of you
A little while ago, I was training hard (running wise) & was thus struggling to keep weight on. With this being a battle I refuse to fight, I chose…
Read MoreWhere getting over my fear of failure got me…
For years a fear of failure ruled my life. I only ever did what I was good at, and that meant ruling out spontaneity, new beginnings and humility. Running has…
Read MoreCan you love your body & want to lose weight at the same time?
So, recently a friend announced that she’s avoiding this whole body-love topic, as she wants to lose weight 1st…that is before she learns to love her body. Is that you…
Read MoreShould I start blogging on fitness?
Hey beautiful… In today’s video I ask for YOUR advice. If you’re a South African girl/woman then I am pleading with you to PLEASE RESPOND TO THIS VIDEO by commenting…
Read MoreValuing your inner voice
I love my body more now than I ever have before. And I’m miles from my skinniest, fittest, most clear-skinned self. What I’ve learnt is that abs never made me…
Read MoreHow to survive your next clothes shop
So on Thursday last week, I went shopping. And lo-and-behold, if this delightful idea didn’t turn into a self-sabotage session. Well, at least it did for the first 5 minutes…
Read MoreThe truth behind your eating disorder (Part 3 – There's HOPE)
Reason 3 #3 You are convinced that you will have live with THIS for the rest of your life I will never forgot bursting into tears in my psychologist’s…
Read MoreThe truth behind your eating disorder (Part 2)
Wow, I cannot tell you the response I have got from my blogpost on Monday, ‘The truth behind your eating disorder: Part 1”. The one common theme that has come…
Read MoreThe truth behind your dysfunctional relationship with food
This topic is such a sensitive one, and one so many girls are scared to even admit that they’re facing. And for that reason, I will try and stick to…
Read MoreMy journey to self-love
Recently I was chatting to a friend, who asked why I do what I do. You know, Life-Coach. And all I could reply with was, “At one stage in my…
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