Working Mums
Guest post: 4 steps to make powerful decisions
Today I have the privilege of featuring on the gorgeous Kelly Lubbee’s website. Go on over & find out how to optimise your brain & ensure that you are making…
Read MoreIs your life in need of a revamp?
“I feel as if the hamster wheel I’m on has become SO comfy that I haven’t realized it isn’t even turning any longer.” Said a client of mine recently, while sobbing back tears. This…
Read MoreIt’s ok to let go, now
For as long as I can remember I have built walls around me, much like you perhaps. Walls that protect me, from others, but sometimes even from myself. These walls…
Read MoreWhere getting over my fear of failure got me…
For years a fear of failure ruled my life. I only ever did what I was good at, and that meant ruling out spontaneity, new beginnings and humility. Running has…
Read MoreValuing your inner voice
I love my body more now than I ever have before. And I’m miles from my skinniest, fittest, most clear-skinned self. What I’ve learnt is that abs never made me…
Read MoreSuccessful people do THIS…
Delighted to be vlogging (video blogging) again!! Today I chat about my (and it seems MANY others) number 1 tip for success…. CLICK HERE to download your FREE ebook…
Read More10 Powerful habits of successful people
Love this infographic by Joel Brown from Addicted2success
Read More4 steps for breaking free of tough emotions
For the past 2 weeks, I have been struggling with some tough emotions. Ups and downs, anger, resentment, tears, temptation to give up, stress (lots of it), and just plain…
Read More5 Secrets for Building Relentless Confidence
Why your New Resolutions are probably more harmful than helpful!
I always love this time of year of families getting together, lots of beach-time (in SA at least) and just time-out from the business of normal life. It’s also…
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