Self Management
Beat your people-pleasing gene into submission
I’m a firm believer in nature & nurture, the combination of them both. Some of us are born people-pleasers and others are taught this. For me, it was both. I…
Read MoreAre incorrect assumptions ruling your thought life?
H and I spent 2013 living in Korea and we had the privilege of going to one of H’s colleagues wedding. We found ourselves a seat in one of the pews…
Read MoreHow to enter 2017 with no regrets
Whether it’s regretting the top that you put on this morning, what you chose to study after school, who you married (or didn’t) or eating a cupcake at teatime today…whatever…
Read MoreIs comparison stealing your joy?
This idea of comparison and lack of joy falling into the same category is no new notion. We’ve been talking about this for years…but the problem with topics like this…
Read MoreWhat your choice between quality or quantity says about your levels of self love
In my pursuit of taming my inner critic, and pursuing self-love, I have taken on a number of new habits or practices that I previously placed no value on. One…
Read MoreWhat visiting Korean public baths taught me about self love
For those who don’t know, my husband and I spent a year (2013) living and working in South Korea. {You can read all about our experiences here} Now, while we…
Read MoreThe habit that changed my life
I so clearly remember walking through a shopping center in Stellenbosch the night after I got engaged and asking my brother if he noticed how everyone was looking at my…
Read MoreIt’s NOT okay to hate what you see in the mirror
Everyday as I browse through instagram, look around the gym, observe my varsity students and chat to my clients – I come face-to-face with the reality that “It’s more acceptable…
Read MoreWellness Giveaway
WELCOME to my new online space! You, beautiful one, are radiant, talented, full of bounding potential and I am incredibly honoured to have you following along here, as I inspire…
Read MoreHow to get comfy in your genes
“I dream of having a body/hair like yours” are words I have heard and uttered so many times. And yet the reality is that you & I will never, LIKE…
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