Why wait 'til Monday: Happiness…



Today on ‘Why wait ’til Monday’ we discuss: Why stopping certain behaviour will never work…


In today’s video some light is shared on …

– How to reverse the formula for Happiness in your life

– How neuroscience affects your behaviour

– Why stopping behaviour will never work

– How to create POWERFUL, lasting habits

– A little Happiness challenge for us all to embrace this week


Watch last week’s video here…



  1. […] at the power of positive thinking, how your thoughts affect your behaviour & how to build positive habits in your life & how your self talk affects your happiness levels. This week we divulge into the […]

  2. […] habits is hard. You can watch this video here where I explain a bit of the neuro-side of how to break negative […]

  3. Suiyen Smith on May 2, 2015 at 9:50 am

    This make so much sense! Love it!

    • caitlyndb on May 4, 2015 at 12:41 pm

      Thanks Suiyen 🙂

  4. Jade on July 18, 2016 at 8:42 pm

    Love love love this video!!! I have always been so fixated on what I can’t have it has always led me to overindulging! This video has definitely made me want to changes the way I think!thanx a million!!!

    • caitlyndb on July 20, 2016 at 1:32 pm

      Yay Jade. SO glad to hear that this was helpful <3

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