Today on Girl, it’s Time, Caitlyn chats to Fran Steart. Fran is a local KZN dietician, wife and mom.
Frans heart wrenching story touched Caitlyn so deeply at a recent event where they were both speakers. In todays episode, Fran tells her story. She shares her story- raw and real. She shares of her beautiful, deep faith, she shares of learning to let go of dreams once real but too of what it looked like when those dreams were reignited in her heart. This episode will move you. We have no doubt. We have chosen to leave the episode unedited as we believe that Frans raw emotion is such a big part of her story of embracing vulnerability. No, the type we share after we’ve conquered a battle and come out on the other side. The real hard stuff. Sharing raw emotion, deep pain and utter despair, even while we’re still in it.
May her story touch your heart as it has ours.
If anyone would like to get in touch with Fran for support or to invite her to share her story at an event/online platform, you are welcome to email her at
Enjoy friends,
Thank you Fran for sharing your pain and heart wrenching story. We all grieve and pray with you. We also celebrate God’s Love, grace and hope in action in all our lives. Bless you
Thank you dear Caitlyn for shining your light and allowing others to shine too in this space.
Much love