Inspiration relating to faith, kindness and thriving as your beautiful self!
Episode 45 – Resilience: How to bounce back when life doesn’t make sense
Life doesn’t always go as planned, in fact it can go quite the opposite. Resilience is, simply put, our ability to bounce back when life throws us hardship. Today, on…
Episode 44 – Periods are not gross
It’s time we make a stand as women & break this bloody taboo around periods. I grew up in a generation where periods were yuck, inconvenient and embarrassing AND I’m…
Episode 43 – The jump from 1 to 2 kids
When asking for advice on going from 1 – 2 kids, the opinions range from ‘it’s insanity’ to ‘it’s a dream, you’ve done it all before’. Today we chat to…
Episode 42 – Life is too short to hate yourself
Ever felt the enormous pressure of believing that your body is your CV? That first impressions are everything and this all comes down the shape of your body, the size…
Episode 41 – Get out of the way & let me PLAY
Children are designed to play. They learn, grow & adapt through play and yet many parents in this generation are getting in the way of true play. Today we chat…
Episode 40 – Emotional Healing
Today on The UnPodcast, we chat to Kelly Lynch (dietician & life coach). In Kel’s words: “They always say that the darkest days bring the brightest light in the end,…
Episode 39 – Let’s talk about SEX
Today our guest, Taryn Graham (Women’s Health Physio) shares insight into wait for it…SEX. Painful sex to be more exact. Yip, I still giggle too when I say the words.…
Episode 38 – Less is More
Less is more – the buzz phrase we’re living by this year. Today I’m discussing how we’re approaching ‘less is more’ in our home for 2020. For me: Doing less,…
Episode 37 – The year I stop shrinking & learn to fly
The UnPodcast is back for a 2nd year. Hello 2020!! Today I, Caitlyn, chat about how I’m approaching the year ahead: how I’m doing less, planning less and worrying less.…
Episode 36 – Preping for a healthy summer holiday
Today we chat to Doc Mom, Carmen, about the pros to being a doctor and a mum, and how she saw this combo and decided to empower mums & dads…

Caitlyn is a wife to Hendrik and a mum of 2 to Sarah (age 8) and Noah (age 7).
She is a self-management coach, author & speaker with a powerful story about self acceptance, escaping limiting-beliefs, pursuing faith despite hardship and embracing a life that she loves. After finishing her studies, Caitlyn lectured in Psychology for 6 years, has spoken around South Africa to audiences on how they can create lives that they love and has coached/mentored over 600 women from 13 countries around the world. Caitlyn is also the author of the South African best-selling book, Walk out on the Water: for women.
Caitlyn is here to guide and inspire YOU to embrace the life that Jesus has for you.