Inspiration relating to faith, kindness and thriving as your beautiful self!
S3: Episode 5 – It’s time to start really living!
There are moments that each of us know will stick with us for a long long time. Meeting Jodi Kroone was one of those for me. Jodie is a beautiful…
S3: Episode 4 – It’s time to see with new eyes
Caitlyn preaches regularly and for this episode, she decided to share one of her latest preaches with you. So bare with her, as live one was obviously live. Caitlyn speaks…
S3: Episode 3 – It’s time to trust God
This Interview with Natasja Foster will leave you inspired to your core. Tash’s story begins with her sharing of her venturing into Africa and living with a poor Malawian family,…
S3: Episode 2 – Its time to zone in on what makes you come alive!
Doctor Rosanne Symons is a mom of 5 teenagers and a medical doctor based in Durban, South Africa. I had the honour of hearing her story at a recent conference…
S3: Episode 1 – Girl, it’s time
I’m back!! We’re back and it’s all happening right here on our newly renamed podcast channel, GIRL, IT’S TIME. In today’s episode I, Caitlyn, share the story behind the new…
S2: Episode 7 – Keep Calm & Finish Strong
The end of the year is upon us and many of us are but lepherd crawling to the finish line. It is no secret that we are tired, burnt out…
S2: Episode 6 – Pray and then Walk out on the Water
To Walk out on the Water takes faith but many of us may be jumping too quickly to do those BIG things that we feel called to. When we look…
S2: Episode 5 – Keep Hope Alive
Faith doesn’t exclude us from suffering. Rather, it, along with time spent with our Father, equips us to face the storms that lie ahead of us. Hope on the other…
S2: Episode 4 – Start somewhere
Procrastination, the art of putting things off until a later date or even shelving ideas and dreams. I personally feel that the timing for this interview with pastor and speaker,…
S2: Episode 3 – Connecting with those who’ve been forgotten
Each of us has dreams and desires but even with full knowledge of these, it takes deep bravery to pursue these. Today I chat to Jodi, founder of Connected, an…

Caitlyn is a wife to Hendrik and a mum of 2 to Sarah (age 8) and Noah (age 7).
She is a self-management coach, author & speaker with a powerful story about self acceptance, escaping limiting-beliefs, pursuing faith despite hardship and embracing a life that she loves. After finishing her studies, Caitlyn lectured in Psychology for 6 years, has spoken around South Africa to audiences on how they can create lives that they love and has coached/mentored over 600 women from 13 countries around the world. Caitlyn is also the author of the South African best-selling book, Walk out on the Water: for women.
Caitlyn is here to guide and inspire YOU to embrace the life that Jesus has for you.