Holiday Reflections

Dec 4

What an adventure the past month has been. For the past few years H and I have spent our December holidays abroad but this past December we chose to be here, in KZN..and man was it amazing!

There is something so beautiful about family time…and this holiday really highlighted that for me. Having my little brother home, time with H everyday & jam packed days with extended family and friends, I wouldn’t have wished to be anywhere but here!!

Our holiday started with 4 days in the Drakensberg at my families cottage up there. I didn’t take many pics as I chose to spend the weekend connecting with family, doing long hikes and spending festive evenings around the fire. Here’s a cool little set of pics my husband took though, of me jumping into one of the 3 pools at Drak Gardens, on a hike. The swim wasn’t planned as the weather was a bit mizz, hence me embracing the ‘swim in what you’re wearing’ 🙂

Dec 5


After the berg, we headed down to my parents gorgeous beach house in Southbroom, where we spent three weeks. Southbroom holidays are like no other for us, they epitomise everything we love; family, friends, braais, long runs, beach-all-day, sun-downers, paddling on the lagoon, body surfing at back line – basically me in my element. All day!!

Dec 3


H and I then left Southbroom and headed off on our own for 4 days to St Lucia Wetlands, Eastern Shore. We had the absolute delight and privilege to actually stay in the nature reserve, and our highlight of the trip was our night-out spent driving and walking the beaches north of Cape Vidal in search of turtle’s beaching & laying eggs. We were absolutely thrilled to have witnessed this truly magical natural phenomenon & will remember it for the rest of our lives.

Dec 1


We then returned to Southbroom for a few nights before heading off to Mgazana in the Transkei for our final week of holidays. And what a treat this was!! I hadn’t been to the transkei since my school days and thus couldn’t wait to embrace this gorgeous coastline again. Our week in the transkei consisted of paddling on our surf-ski’s everyday, trail runs & beach walks, sea swims, playing with the local kids & lots of down time for reading, chatting and sleeping.

Dec 6


I must admit that the tears did build in my eyes yesterday as I drove into Plantations, our home…but I did wake up this morning with a spring in my step & an un-denying excitement about the year ahead.

And so today began with a run and will now be spent diarising, planning & emailing, followed by a gym session this afternoon and then I plan to cook a new recipe for dinner tonight!!

What will your first week at work look like beautiful friend?? I’d love to hear all about it, in the comments section below!!




  1. Sue Keal on January 12, 2015 at 1:07 pm

    What great memories we are have of our summer hol together !

    • caitlyndb on January 12, 2015 at 1:10 pm

      It really was a special holiday!!xxx

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