Wild & Free
Wild and free…that’s our Sarah in a nutshell. And her hair fits the label too. She was born with dark hair but it quickly fell out and came back blonde…
Read MoreIf we were dating, we would have broken up
I’m sobbing now as I write this, firstly to think how far we’ve come, secondly because I know how easy it would be to go back there and thirdly because…
Read MoreAllowing her to find her way
I’m not the typical girly mom. I always knew I’d have kids and longed to be a mum but never dreamt of dressing them, or styling their hair. That’s just…
Read MoreI quit gym
On my run this morning, I had an insight. Okay I’m lying. I had about 30 insights. I could literally a book with the amount of thinking that I do…
Read MoreAm I naive..or kind? Or should one be both in this country
It’s not often that I get the chance to blog anymore. My time is split between coaching and speaking, running my brand Flourishing Fit Moms, working on my book, running…
Read MoreMy holiday lifesaver
Handling a BUSY nearly 2-year-old is hectic …add in a totally-dependent-on-you 5 month old babe, and well let’s just say that shopping, walks, and basically any outing can potentially become…
Read MoreChristmas traditions in our home
Carols playing in the malls, Christmas markets, trees outside local stores..this time of year gets me giddy with excitement. I was brought up in a home with a dad who…
Read MoreDecember holiday car seat safety
We’re days away from the first week of December already. WHAAAT?!!! We’re off for our annual Cape Town holiday on the 16th December and as usual, we’re now faced with…
Read MoreThe runner eats humble pie
I’ve been a runner for as long as I can remember. From the ripe age of 7 or so, daily, my dad would get home from work and off we’d…
Read MoreMy 2 NEW favourite baby items
Having my kids so close together (an 18 month gap), meant that when it came to baby goods, we had almost everything we needed. This being said there were a…
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