A fish out of water: YES me!!

Another month has passed and I have barely come up for air. What’s amazed me this month is realizing that it is totally possible to love your career, your life, your kids, your hubby and yet to be absolutely drained and heading for burn out at the same time. Just last week I landed in a heap of tears after a whirlwind few weeks of heavy client sessions, fit mommying, lecturing and being mom and wife. After a lovely escape this past weekend (I ran away to recoup and connect with the crazy bunch of humans I adore), I have come back with a whole new vision.


Reassessing where I’m at and what’s going to change is always tough. B’cos let’s be honest, if we do anything for long enough, we tend to start finding an identity there, and man it’s hard to shift ones identity. We go from school girl to varsity student. From married to working mum. Many are bound by an identity they’ve created, some have landed an identity they never imagined and others are desperately trying to create an identity that they’ve seen mirrored and hope will fix their problems. Identity isn’t the problem here, we all need to feel safe and defined in some way (business woman, mom-of-2, girlfriend, child of God, stay at home mom, active girl, friendly) but where the problem kicks in is when we feel the need to create an identity modeled by another or one that the world suggests would fix our problems. You see, you living your best life (and me mine) is supposed to look different to every other human on earth. Yes you may be a stay-at-home-mom like many others, but in other ways you’re SO different to other mums. You were never meant to fit in a box, you were never meant to be THAT mom/girl.


Other the past 3 weeks I have seen over 20 clients, many of whom, whilst aware, are desperately clinging to the idea that if they could just replicate a body, lifestyle, bank-balance or IDENTITY of someone they follow on Instagram, THEN they would be HAPPY. But I promise, darling, this isn’t true. You were NEVER created to mirror someone else’s life and as long as you attempt to copy them or to find your identity there, you will forever be ‘a fish out of water’: struggling to cope, keep up and likely trapped in a headspace that limits you.


I was there and found myself back there over the past few weeks, I got caught up in mastering this working-mom thing and maybe took it a step too far. I have made a few key changes to ensure that I can live my best life again and one such change has been taking control of my morning routine again. I find that days that start out in chaos tend to throw me off balance and lead to an anxiety filled day. I’ve worked through my ideal morning routine and want to encourage you to do the same. Below is a link to a 7-day E-journal in my online shop created to inspire you as you define and live YOUR best life!!


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