There are moments that each of us know will stick with us for a long long time. Meeting Jodi Kroone was one of those for me.
Jodie is a beautiful 28 year old, who is wheelchair bound due to a car accident that happened 5 years ago. And yet despite her obvious discomfort and the challenges that each day holds for her, she embraces life like few I know.
In this episode, Caitlyn (me) and Jodie have an honest conversation about her journey in owning her story, telling it, and embracing it. It’s an episode that I know that you’ll love and want to share with everyone you know. She is one incredible girl and inspires us to REALLY LIVE in the now, despite discomfort or uncertainty. It’s beautiful!!
Jodi – You are nothing short of inspirational. You challenge me to my core to live my life on purpose each day. Thank you for the gift that you are!
Enjoy friends,