Working Mums
Tips to get you more productive
Whether it’s work-related, exercise-related, relationship-related or merely pleasure related…little is accomplished without setting ourselves a benchmark. Here are 4 simple but effective ideas that will inspire you to get your Productivity levels up…
Read MoreTime is free…yet priceless!!
I have just got home from a three week trip in Europe {and it was amazing}!! One of these weeks was spent following the Tour de France in a camper…
Read MoreWhy I am over taking things personally….and YOU should be too!!
You know that feeling, when you literally sigh with relief after finding out that others also do/think/feel that ‘strange’ thing you do/think/feel. Kinda like, when I quite-literally sighed with relief…
Read MoreWhat's in your hands??
We are entering week three of my Happiness Project course and with ‘giving’ being one the 5 Happiness habits that we aim to establish in our lives over this 21…
Read MoreHow do you spell Adventure??
We’ve only been ‘home’ for three weeks and already I can see the effects of the so-called ‘normal life’ taking over. You know that feeling when you get home from…
Read MoreMulti-tasking…vice or virtue??
One of the buzz words amongst psychologists and life coaches for 2013 and definitely running into 2014 is “mindfulness”. Mindfulness means “being aware” In this fast moving, chaotic world where…
Read MoreWhat would your life look like if….
What would your life look like if you stopped worrying about what and who “they” expect you to be…and you started living out who you were created to be? I…
Read MoreLife is to be lived, not controlled!!
One of the things I was warned about time and time again while preparing for my EPIK (English Program in Korea) Skype interview in 2012, was that they would ask…
Read MoreStarting your day on a high!!
If you’re anything like the rest of us, I’m guessing your morning looks something like this… Alarm goes off, your swear, turn it off, lie in bed for a few…
Read MoreDefining your dreams
On a few occasions now, when mentioning to people that H and I are off on a nearly-2 month-adventure through South East Asia this week, they reply with a “Wow,…
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