On my run this morning, I had an insight. Okay I’m lying. I had about 30 insights. I could literally a book with the amount of thinking that I do on every run, but my point here is that I had ONE particular insight!
I’m a real jack of all traits; I enjoy jumping from one thing to the next in many areas of my life. I currently run 3 different businesses, workout in 3 different ways. I thrive off making new friends but I’m not the best at maintaining, that which is already in place. I’m an entrepreneur at heart and a starter. I love starting things. It’s the day to day running of such things that is the harder part for me. I used to hate this about myself, back when I was still stuck in a self-critical mindset (more of this in my book I’m hoping to publish next year); but now I’ve fully embraced it. I love that I’m a starter. BUT what I realized this morning is that it is not enough to merely embrace a part of yourself that you used to despise. No. We can accept it but only as long as it is serving us. And today I was faced with an honest truth. My chaos is bordering on getting out of control. My juggling it all, perhaps, needs to be reassessed.
This hasn’t come as a shock for me. My mum listened to my To Do list recently and said, “Caity, you’re heading for burn out”. I laughed. But I had to admit to myself that there might be some truth in her statement.
So where does one begin when we need to reassess our reality. For me, it came down to a simple question: “How would my life look different right now, if I was functioning at my best?”
I love this question and it’s a question I ask my clients often. It elicits a quick reflection on where we’re at and a BIG question mark around where we’re going.
My answer was this. There would be less rush, more effort. Less bouncing from one thing to the next and more depth.
This unfolds in differing ways in the various areas of my life. For my career it’s meant hiring a PA again, handing off my admin and making time to build on my brand and connect with my clients: to blog again, to create a new Mommy Master course (watch this space) and to complete my new website.
But the BIG one for me was exercise. Whilst I manage to run when I can; usually around 3 times a week, and I go to yoga on a Tuesday evening, I constantly feel like I am failing in the gym department. I just NEVER get there. I actually don’t know how to, to be honest. Something BIG would have to change to allow me to fit in additional exercise. SO. I got home from my run this morning and proudly announced to H that I’d like to quit my gym contract. This is not me throwing in the towel, but instead a conscious choice to close a door that is no longer serving me. My contract makes me feel pressurized to go to gym and yet I can’t find the time to do so; so I sit with uncomfortable feelings making me doubt myself. NOT effective. NOT worth it. My plan instead of gym is to ask Robs, my business partner at Flourishing Fit Moms, to give me some exercises that I can do at home to strengthen my core. This way I can fit these exercises in in the evenings before bed, and still feel that I am living my best life. PS: You can join our support group and purchase this program for only R150 HERE.
So lastly, lovely, how would YOUR life look different right now, if YOU were functioning at YOUR best?
Brilliant Caitlyn – I so understand all this – well done such a good reminder to us all. xx