5 things I’m currently loving…

My current loves are…

#1 – My Kindle

This is my newest technological baby and WOW is it awesome!! I was always anti e-readers as I’m very much a book person, but after trekking around two enormous books through the Philippines and then finishing them both by my four day of vacation, I realized the time had come…for me to get with the times.

 #2 – Picmonkey

If you are yet to explore picmonkey, you are missing out. This amazing photo-editing website is not only super user-friendly, but its FREE!!

I created my pinterest “2014 Bucketlist” using picmonkey. Check it out here!!

#3 – Embracing the moment
Having just spent the past 6 weeks exploring foreign lands, eating delicious foods and strategically planning the year ahead, I feel more rejuvenated than ever. If there is one thing I took from taking that big chunk out of my life to spend travelling, it was to embrace the moment. To be there, fully, all of me. No mind-wandering, no worrying-thoughts. Embracing the time we had set aside for such a time as this!
#4 – Mailchimp
This has got to be my favourite online tool. Mailchimp is the resource I use to send all of my emails and blog newsletters; it allows me design them beautifully and the best part is that I can schedule all my emails for months to come. This was my saving grace while travelling over the past two months, as I knew my emails and newsletters would go out, without me even having to be near a computer.
#5 – The prospect of seeing my family later this month
This one genuinely makes me feel all fuzzy inside. After 14 months away from home, the prospect of seeing family so soon is overwhelmingly wonderful! I cannot wait J

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