In March next year I turn 30 and I thought what better way to mark this milestone then by ticking off a few BIG items off my life Bucket List..Introducing my 30-before-list.
1. Run a marathon
2. Publish my book
3. Run a sub 1.35 again
4. Switch to hormone free dairy and meat products
5. Go skiing in Europe again
6. Start volunteering weekly for an NGO
7. Cut down to 1 coffee a day
8. Upskill my gardener
9. Go on a holiday with just H for more than 2 nights
10. Go diving
11. Speak to an audience of over 500
12. Go on a boat ride
13. Finish work at 12 everyday (apart from speaking days)
14. Change Noah to cloth nappies
15. Spend more time with my Gogo
16. Make new friends with babes Noah’s age
17. Phone my mother in law once a month to catch up
18. Visit my god child, Sam, in Swaziland
19. Cut my hair – a new style (still long though)
20. Do something for me once a month
21. Go hot air ballooning
22. Go to Clarens with H
23. Break my fear of ice skating
24. Master doing a headstand with no wall
25. Invite a new couple for dinner every month (outside of our friendship group)
26. Go on every Love The Babies outreach to hospitals
27. Get up into a handstand on my own (yoga)
28. Coach over 30 girls in my Digesting Love Course
29. Go on at least 3 holidays to new places with my family (not CT, southbroom or our Berg cottage)
30. Plan an EPIC 30th
I will continue to update my blog as tick items off this list. I wrote this list the day before my 29th birthday and so far have ticked off a good few already 🙂