Having my kids so close together (an 18 month gap), meant that when it came to baby goods, we had almost everything we needed. This being said there were a few things that I had on my baby shower wish list. Below I mention the 2 baby items that I am currently obsessed with and can’t believe that we didn’t have them with Sarah.
1. Sleepyhead
This product is remarkable!! We were fortunate enough to be gifted one from close friends who’s son has outgrown his and WOW what a dream this has been for us. Noah loves sleeping in his sleepyhead and I LOVE that it is so light and can be carried around the house so easily. The product is expensive but having now experienced it for 9 weeks, I’d say it’s TOTALLY worth every cent.
Check out their new fairytale range (pic above) HERE..
2. Petit Bunny pram/feeding cover
This gorgeous striped piece of material is not only amazing as a car seat cover (keeping the sun out their eyes and the gems at bay) but it is also so handy as a breastfeeding cover. I took Se for her 18 months vaccinations when Noah was 2 weeks old and naturally it took longer than expected and lone-behold Noah was screaming to be fed. I loved that I could literally pull the cover off the pram, pop it over my head and just like that feed my babe in privacy. I literally use this product daily. Hello convenience!!
Here is a link to their online shop