Ebooks, Personal Life Coaching, Online Courses for mums and more - all made and curated with YOU in mind.


The Graceful Reset

A helpful ebook to guide you in a process of wrapping up 2024!

  • 18 paged e-Workbook aimed at helping you
    • REFRAME & reflect on all that has happened in 2024
    • REALIGN your thoughts, faith, vision and hopes before you close the year
    • REDISCOVER that which you've let go of or perhaps long for


Mama, Find your Truth

Online Course

THIS online program is for mums who need a nudge into redefining their life as mom.

Learn to:

- LOVE your life & self again

- Let go of mommy guilt

- Step into the truth of who you are

Remarkable. Stable. Capable. Loved.



Life Coaching: Soul Session

The kids are back at school.. but where does that leave you?!

No one tells you adulating will be THIS hard, I get it!! Perhaps, like many of us, you're overwhelmed on a  soul level. This hour-long coaching session, done via zoom or in person, is a space for you to off-load, gain clarity, laugh or simply cry. Use it as you will.

My hope is that this personal hour-long chat will leave you more peaceful, more at rest within yourself and ready to face 2025.