Series launch: Tips for starting your own creative business..

Ever dreamed of starting your own creative business but had no idea where to begin
Starting Nov 18th, we will be launching our hugely exciting, blog collaboration series where well be looking at 9 of the top tips we believe you need in starting your own creative business.
Introduction to the series: 
I started my own business just under a year ago and as one does, I have learnt so much along the way. I am so passionate about people stepping out of their comfort zones and actively pursuing their dream job. I have met a number of creatives through my Coaching as well as my life, many of whom, have BIG dreams of starting amazing photography, jewelry, life coaching, interior design, beauty, writing, art, graphic design, image consulting, writing, fashion-type companies, but have no idea where to begin.
In an attempt to spark that dream in your heart again, and to help bring it to life, I have put together a 9-day series called Tips to starting your own creative business. I do not claim to be an expert on all the areas I wanted to cover, and so I contacted a number of amazing, creative woman all of whom have started their own creative businesses in the past few years. Over the next 9 days, these women along with myself, will be sharing on topics I feel they have earned a right to be considered experts in. Expect to be challenged, inspired and motivated to get going with creating your dream job!!
Heres the weeks line up:
PS – Id seriously advise subscribing to each of these blogs, so you dont miss out on any of the awesome posts in this Series. This is a week NOT to be missed!!
Monday, 18th Nov: Caitlyn de Beer will answer the question, ‘What’s the most important question to ask yourself before starting your own business?’ on Caitlyn de Beer Life Coaching
Connect with Caitlyn on Twitter @caitlyndebeer and on Facebook.
Tuesday, 19th Nov: Megan Galloway will be addressing the question, Should you combine many passions or just choose one? on Megan Galloway Growth Coach.
Connect with Megan on Twitter @meganjgalloway and on Facebook.

Wednesday, 20th Nov:  Ilze Louw Schlebusch will write on ‘The importance of Professionalism website & photos’ on Ilze Louw Photography
Connect with Ilze on Twitter @ilzelouw and on Facebook.
Thursday, 21st Nov: Roxy Hutton will write on ‘Blogging where to begin’ on CityGirlSearching
Connect with Roxy on Twitter @roxypearce and on Facebook.
Friday, 22nd Nov: Kelly will be writing on ‘How to use Social Media to promote your business’ on Sunflowersadspears
Connect with Kelly on Twitter @Kellytromp and on Facebook.
Monday, 25th Nov:  Fathima will be writing on ‘Creating an online store’ on Happiness is
Connect with Fathima on Twitter @noodlesndoodles and on Facebook.
Tuesday, 26th Nov:  Phillipa Rowney will be writing on  ‘Networking’ on Coffey and Cake
Connect with Phillipa on Twitter @pipsrowney and on Facebook.
Wednesday, 27th Nov:  Kim & Fil will be writing on ‘Bridge jobs (the secret to financing your creative business)’ on Ruby&Swallow
Connect with Kim & Fil on Twitter @RubyandSwallow and on Facebook.
Thursday, 28th Nov:  Nicola will be writing on ‘Creative or Critic: Whos driving your business venture?’ on Loving Mondays
Connect with Nicola on Twitter @TheCareerCanvas and on Facebook.

Excited?? I know, right!! AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! 



  1. […] are sharing tips on ‘How to start your own creative business’. Don’t waste another minute, click here to read about the series and get the links to all the other AMAZING blog posts.      Creative […]

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