September..start something (my big reveal)



With this new month approaching, and the end of year looming on the horizon, I felt it necessary to get out my ‘well-travelled’ latest journal and reflect on all that I had wanted and dreamed for this year.

Now, while this is an exciting task, it can be daunting too, as time keeps ticking whether you’re on top of your game or not, and this pause in the business of life will quickly announce where you’re at!!

For the most part I am thrilled with all that this year has held for both H & I. It has certainly been one of transition, new beginnings, some endings, and lots of growth!! But I don’t admit to have done everything I set my little heart out to do this year…and so HELLO SEPTEMBER – my month of “Start something”!!!

Start something might sound exciting for you! It may bring with it connotations of dreams forgotten, making things happen or even just getting off your bum and doing something about ‘it’!! For me (with my rather pushy A-type personality) starting something is a notion I live by. I have new ideas every day and then I act on them; often too quickly. So let me give you some insight into what particularly stands out for me when I hear the words “September – Start Something”.

The thoughts that come to my mind are…

1. Stop. Reflect.

2. Dreams not yet fulfilled

3. Time

4. Meaningful activity

5. Purpose driven action

6. Lasting (sustainable)


With all this in mind (along with my crazy busy schedule); I have decided to stop, reflect and now follow-through on a dream that was birthed over a year ago!! 


“Why wait ’til Monday” – Video blogging to INSPIRE


As of Thursday this week, I will begin my Vlogging journey!! {Aka: Video blogging}

I am incredibly passionate about bringing powerful messages to ears that long to hear truth spoken & love received. And I feel (at last) that it is time I put my little blogging fingers to rest, set that camera up & get these messages recorded and onto my blog; ready to inspire, challenge and rejuvenate your beautiful lives!!

I don’t admit to having this all worked out, as of yet, but by announcing it, I know that you are now holding me accountable – so here goes, a real & big dream of mine (which is rather scary & daunting and all things a people-pleaser avoids) being lived out!!


Join me on Thursday for the start of this journey, where I will be touching on what got me here as well as introducing the topic for this month: Tapping into JOY!!



  1. Megan Richards on September 1, 2014 at 8:56 am

    Very excited to see the video on Thursday.

    • caitlyndb on September 1, 2014 at 8:57 am

      Thanks Megan <3

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