Balancing life & kids is the hardest thing you've ever done.. I get it
Motherhood is AMAZING, exhausting, fulfilling and by far the greatest responsibility & gift we're given. In saying this, there's no denying that many a mum sacrifices her own sanity whilst on this selfless journey of motherhood.

"You're okay. I'm okay." The mantra I lived by, the truth my heart whispered when I woke for the umpteenth time at night or picked up the food they'd just thrown on the floor. And yet.... I wasn't okay!!
I realised this one day when I got home from lecturing & couldn’t bring myself to get out of my car and MOM. I spent a good hour sobbing but this sparked the finding of a beautiful path for me; one of self discovery in my role as both mum and woman.
I’ve since realised that..
Mums who manage themselves well, are more likely to manage their kids well
And I'd be honoured to walk this road alongside you as you Find YOUR truth, Mama!
I created this self-paced online program for mums who, like me, need a nudge into redefining their life as mom. This course is all about YOU learning to LOVE your life & self again, put boundaries in place, let go of mommy guilt and in turn step into the truth of who you are. Remarkable. Stable. Capable.
What you’ll walk away with:
- A better understanding of yourself & less need to compare to other mums
- Tools for managing your emotions constructively so that 4pm feels less HEAVY
- A plan as to how include more me time into your mummy life
- A list of things that make you come alive
- A plan for how to make balance a reality in your life
- Less guilt & failed expectations AND more life, living your truth

I’m a wife to Hendrik & mom of two (Noah is 6 and a half and Sarah is 8) who’s passionate about inspiring others to create a life that they love waking up to every morning!
I had my daughter in 2016 and my son in 2017 so I know the 'hardness' of mommying little ones and still prioritising your own happiness levels.
My journey towards living-happy-now, has taken time, loads of prayer and so much intention; but I can officially say that I love my life as a mum and that I've learnt to manage my emotions and schedule, to serve both me and my kids, and I’m determined to help you do the same.
This course showed me just how little time I allocate to myself in my day. Since having kids, and while running my own growing business, I have definitely neglected my own needs and self-care. This course has not only highlighted this fact to me - Kit has given me the tools to make little changes that will have a huge impact on my well-being and in turn, my family's well-being. I found Kit to be so insightful during the course and totally relatable as a working mom herself! I highly recommend this course to any moms searching for a way to fill their tank and live their best life.
- Marisa Baglione
I grew up in a home where showing emotions or feelings were not okay. Everything was swept under the rug and forgotten about. But through doing Caitlyn’s course - The Guilt Free Mum - I realized that my feelings are valid. That by feeling irritated, frustrated, guilt or anger does not make me a bad person. It actually makes me very normal. It’s what you choose to do with those feelings and emotions that matter. Caitlyn has helped me form ‘fire escapes’ (ways to manage my emotions) to deal with them in a constructive way, rather than a destructive way.
Highly, highly recommend working with her!
- Mel
What I am taking from this course is that self-awareness and kindness-to-self are vital for a mom. I loved learning how to recognize emotions and allow myself to process them. I found it so valuable to take the time regularly to reflect about my honest thoughts and feelings. It was so impactful to define what type of mom I am and to identify what makes me be a better mom. Caitlyn, thank you for not only teaching us, but also modeling to us what it looks like to accept and love ourselves, the way we were created. This course taught me that loving ourselves well means loving our kids well too.
I didn't think this course could help someone like me. I was struggling to find myself as the calendar months flipped over. With a now almost 2 year old on my hands - this course in fact, couldn't have come at a better time!
"We define motherhood against a standard that was never meant for you or me ". Each week of the course revealed new findings of the emotions that I was feeling and had unknowingly been weighing down on my shoulders for MONTHS, ever so on repeat! This incredibly practical and do-able 5 week course hi-lighted to me just how I had in fact lost myself along the way of being a mom - self neglect and time to breathe as me and how it effected those around me.
I am now fully aware of my emotions and am equipped with invaluable coping tools and methods to better my daily routine. I feel more intentional in the way that I parent our child and my relationship with the person that I do life with - my husband.
I undoubtedly recommend this course to any mom who is wanting to be "a happy mom is one who is able to bring her life pre and post kids together".
- Leigh Liebenberg
- Kudzai Nyatsambo Mqingwana
I have been part of Caitlyn's 5 week course, 'Mum's living their best lives.' This online course has equipped me with the tools of understanding my emotions and putting into place constructive alternatives to manage a situation. I have become so conscious of what make ME happy and in turn allows me to be the best mum for my darling daughter. I have put into place routines that ensure I start the day well and if I'm feeling out of sorts I am now capable of picking this up immediately and doing something about it before my whole day becomes a mess. Thank you Caitlyn for inspiring me to live my best life and being so supportive along this journey.
- Kate Dixon
I have absolutely loved every part of this course. It has changed how I manage my time, how I interact with my hubby and child, and how I view/treat myself. Caitlyn is a fabulous coach - she is a momma and just "gets it". Her material is so interesting, honest and relevant... I have learned tools and tricks that I can use for a lifetime! I am so grateful I took the plunge and did this course - to say it has been life-changing would be an understatement. It's been the best thing I have ever done for myself!
- Shan Hawker

Our 'Online Resource Hub' is broken into weekly themes & this is where you work from:
- Weekly reading material based on the theme
- 3 masterclass videos
- Weekly homework (Emailed to me for checking and personal feedback)
- 4-week-long eBook (for daily prompted journalling)
This course came at the right time in my life. I have a 5 year old and a 4 month old - so life is very busy. I was apprehensive about this course as I didn’t believe that it would be relevant to my unique world. Boy was I wrong! Caitlyn has designed this course around the universal issues mums face and want to overcome. The greatest benefit for me is being able to use the tools provided by Caitlyn to be a better and happier version of myself; thus being a better wife and mum. As a result of the course, I am more intentional in the way that I parent and in my relationships. Caitlyn is professional, connects easily and naturally with mums as she’s a mum herself and is just a really pleasant person to have hold your hand through the process. She’s the real deal. I will forever be grateful for this opportunity.
- Phumi Matinyarare
I truly am blown away by the way I have enjoyed this course. I cannot put into words how lost I was in this season and the anger/ frustration I was going through nearly every minute of the day! Through doing the course I have been able to notice the emotion, name it and work with it instead of it taking over ruining the whole day! Thank you for everything!
- Danette

- Who is this course for? Every mum who is exhausted, has experienced mummy guilt or a mum who could do with a bit more balance in their life but doesn't know where to begin.
- I'm shattered already, will all the homework not just add to my exhaustion? NO, NO and more NO. This will do just the opposite, it will empower you with tools to prioritise YOU and lead to a less-tired, more inspired mama and woman! Plus the course will only require max 1 hour per week & can be done in small bits.
- I live abroad, can I still do the course? YES, all material is online and thus the course is available to anyone and everyone, worldwide!
- How do I access the Master Classes, is there a limit on time as to when I need to watch them? Nope, the material is all available on our online hub and you can thus download everything and watch/read whenever you find a moment, or perhaps on repeat in years to come, too.
- Do you offer any payment plans? Unfortunately not.