Creatives Business Tips Series Wrap up

After 2 weeks of daily tips on how to start your own creative business, I hope that you have been as inspired as I have
Putting this Series together has brought me so much joy! From start to finish this Blog Collaboration has been incredible! I was initially so humbled by the quick responses I got from the girls I contacted, eager to join me on this exciting venture, and today after 2 weeks of inspiring posts I can only say, WOW!!
Working with 8 creative minds has been amazing. I have loved reading each and every post, and learning from their areas of expertise, as I am sure you have! Your feedback has also been so beneficial to me and I have loved getting glimpses into your businesses or at your blogs please keep them coming!! {PS Click here to find out how your business can feature on my blog}
I hope you have ENJOYED reading our series as much as we enjoyed putting it togetherand that it has not only sparked that dream in your heart again, but actually given you some practical tips that can help make your dream become a reality. {If so, wed LOVE to know how the series personally benefited you, so please comment below}
A final wrap up:
Monday, 18th Nov: Caitlyn de Beer
My topic was ‘What’s the most important question to ask yourself before starting your own business?
An excerpt from my post: Recently I was asked what I feel the most important thing to consider is, before starting your own business. Fortunately being relatively new to the ‘owning’ your own business scene, I knew just the answer….It’s a simple ‘why?’. The why should come before..” 

Read her full post here!!
Tuesday, 19th Nov: Megan Galloway
Megan’s topic was, ‘Should you combine many passions or just choose one?”
An excerpt from her post: “So, you want to start something. Something unique. Something creative. Something that gets you bouncing out of bed in the morning ready to inspire and to be inspired. Wonderful! Problem is you have so many ideas, so many passions … how can you possibly know where to focus your energy? As Barbara Sher has titled her book: What do I do when I want to do everything? Sound familiar?..” 

Read her full post here!!
Wed, 20th Nov: Ilze Louw Schlebusch
Ilze’s topic was ‘The importance of Professionalism – website & photo’s’
An excerpt from her post: “When I started my business I was all over the place, in every aspect, and then I came across this…DEFINE YOUR STYLE AND BUSINESS IN 3 WORDS. So I did, I wrote down 3 words that I wanted to describe my business and stuck it somewhere where I could see it every day. It’s a funny thing, but once I wrote down those 3 words, and seeing it every day, people started telling me (without knowing about my words), how they see my work and business, exactly pin pointing those 3 words.  Defining your style and business will not only help you, but will show the outside world that you are serious about what you do, that you have a clear vision and plan.” 
Read her full post here!!

Thursday, 21st Nov: Roxy Hutton
Roxy’s topic was Blogging – where to begin
An excerpt from her post: “Blogging. Everyone seems to be doing it and as a newbie blogger it can all seem very intimidating. But that’s where I come in. I will be sharing with you tips for starting your blog as well as some advice for growing your blog and getting it to where you want to be.”
Read her full post here!!
Friday, 22nd Nov:Kelly Lubbee
Kelly’s topic was ‘How to use Social Media to promote your business”
An excerpt from her post: “It gets really tricky to try to understand how a hashtag(#) can help you get more recognition and an @ symbol is no longer just the middle of an email address but a way of finding people. I have become extremely passionate about Social Media and it’s incredible way of turning a business that was once a name on a business card into a name on people’s lips. If that is what you are craving for your new business then read on as I try to explain to you how it all helps.”  

Read her full post here!
Monday, 25th Nov:Fathima
 Fathima’stopic wasCreating an online store
An excerpt from her post: “Ever wanted to sell your products on an online store, but didn’t because it seems scary? I’m going to give you some insight into what’s out there, best practices and what to watch out for.”  
Read her full post here!!
Tuesday, 26th Nov:Phillipa Rowney
 Phillipa’s topic wasNetworking
An excerpt from her post: “We’ve all heard it before… “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know” and this has become so true in my journey as a young creative. Networking isn’t easy, it requires courage to step out and make that call, or organise that coffee meeting even if you aren’t sure you will have anything to talk about with the other person. However, networking is one of the most powerful first steps you can take when starting out on your own.” 
Read her full post here!!
Wednesday, 27th Nov: Kim & Fil 
Kim & Fil’s topic was ‘Bridge jobs- Start small, Dream big’
An excerpt from their post:Today we’re talking about starting your company while you’re still working. How do you juggle both, how do you make sure you don’t burn out and more importantly, how you can work towards turning your business into something you can do full time? We’ve got some tips for you from our very own experiences in growing Ruby+Swallow.
Read their full post here!!
Thursday, 28th Nov: Nicola Graham 
Nicola’s topic was Creative or Critic: Who’s driving your business venture?
An excerpt from her post: “So you’ve started your new business venture.  Well done – it’s taken lots of courage!  But who’s in the driving seat when decisions are made? And who is getting the most airtime when it comes to moving forward? The Creative or the Critic?”
Read her full post here!!
I have had a number of queries as to whether I will be continuing with this series on my blog. The answer is YES!! I will definitely be continuing with this series by hosting both guest posts as well as my own tips for Creative Business owners, right here on my blog. 


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