There has got to be more to life...than this?!


For many years I asked myself this very question, again and again. Surely being stuck in a headspace that limited me & a life where food and my body were both God and my enemy, was not how I was created to live?!

There is another way...


This could, and should, be YOU!

Caitlyn de Beer - Events

"The Digesting Love course has completely changed my perspective on life. Caitlyn helped me design a life that I love waking up to and feel in control of. She has equipped me with the tools to take control of my thoughts and emotions, and in turn I've found a new appreciation for my inner self, my body and my life. Embarking on this self-love journey with Caitlyn is truly one of the best decisions I have ever made!" Liza van Zyl


  • Do an honest reflection of where you’re at
  • Learn about how your mind/habits works (neuroscience stuff but the fun kind)
  • Heal your relationship with food and your body
  • Create a healthy lifestyle free of obsessing or anxiety
  • Slow down and turn inwards
  • Recognise your potential & have the courage to tap into it (possibly the YOU that's been hiding for a long time)


I’m an active wife & mom of 2 littles who’s passionate about inspiring others to create a life that they love waking up to every morning!

I love my life, but to be honest with you, I haven’t always loved it. I know what it’s like when your life looks great from the outside but you’re lost in performing for others approval, confused about what actually makes you happy and loathing the body you live in. I know what it’s like to live as my own biggest critic.

My journey towards living-happy-now, has taken time and so much intention; but I can officially say that I love my life and my body, and I've loved working personally with over 600 women who are on this journey towards FREEDOM too.


This is a coaching program is done over a week 5 period over Zoom!!

  • 5 Weekly Sessions include:
    • Owning your story
    • Managing your emotions
    • Heal your relationship with food & your body
    • Live a life you love
    • You've got this: Looking forward
  • Weekly Homework on each week's theme
  • A daily journal (Homework too)
  • Personal contact with Caitlyn


Signing up for this journey was one of my best decisions at a critical decision-making point in my life... I could choose to stay (unhappy) where I was, or invest in learning more about who I am and how to love that person... And I'm so grateful I chose the latter! Caitlyn has walked me step by step through this tough season with such positive realism, genuine care and practical wisdom. She is both personable and professional; a powerful encourager on this often tricky-to-navigate path to loving ourselves, and our lives, well. Digesting Love has marked the start of a lifelong journey of loving who I am made to be, and I can proudly say I am nowhere near perfect... And thankfully, that's no longer the goal I'm pursuing


The Digesting Love Course has really changed my life! Caitlyn has been an incredible mentor who has guided me through every step of the way; encouraging and helping me to develop a positive relationship with food and learning to love myself and my body. During the five weeks, I have learnt to recognize and change my habits and create a life that I want to live! Caitlyn was very professional but also personable which created a comfortable and safe environment for me to address the issues I needed to deal with. I would recommend this course to anyone who needs to learn how to break bad habits, create a positive self-image or just learn to love the body they have and the person they are.

Cait van Schalkwyk

Caitlyn is a breath of fresh air! And her course, Digesting Love, is life changing. When I signed up I wasn’t 100% sure what I wanted out of the experience nor did I realize the impact it would have on me in such a short time. I really connected with Caitlyn and her input and feedback was real, attainable and profoundly impactful. In a few short weeks I honestly feel like I’m on the road to not only finding my true self again, but my mindset and actions are now part of my everyday life choices. Thank you for impacting my life so positively.

Nickola Bales-Smith